Coping with Redundancy

Getting back to work – that maybe the only thing on your mind, when you find yourself out of work or recently made redundant. But how? Who to ask?

Inspire provides redundancy support and advice including

careers advice and career counselling. You may need some guidance on how to re-write your CV or how to impress at an interview. Inspire can give you that help.

Perhaps you feel unsure of what to do next:

  • Find another job in the same career path?
  • Consider a completely new career?
  • Start your own business?
  • Further training (possibly higher education)?
  • Or completely lost and need to talk to someone?

Inspire can guide you through all the options and help you explore what to do next.
Being made redundant is a time of great uncertainty and stress, Inspire helps you come to terms with this challenging time and gives you practical advice and guidance in returning to work or starting a new career.

David Carey has years of experience in careers advice and career counselling – so he’s just the person to ask. If you need help in getting back to work, becoming self-employed or starting a new career, then contact David at Inspire Career Consultancy.

Listen to Seun's Success Story

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