Changing your career

You can change your career at any time in your life. So many people are in careers they hate. Don't let this be you.

Inspire can help by exploring your interests, skills and values, and within the context of your life today help you identify the steps needed to transform your career.

Typically, Inspire has helped people in the following age groups:

Late teens to 20s - helping you change your career ambitions from initially wrong choices.

30s - Changing your career when facing a blockage or lack of direction.

40s - Finding a new career path with a new spark.

50s+ - Preparing to change into an active retirement and associated career changes.

Across all these age ranges, Inspire can also help when facing redundancy, using it as an opportunity to examine a complete new career.

Please also see the sections on career advice, careers counselling and coping with redundancy for more support.


See more Career Change success stories

Listen to Ben's Success Story

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